Icon of the Windows Firefox Installer.


I'm kevadesu, and I'm making this website trying to learn HTML because im bored

here's the link to the github


I’m a developer living in Switzerland (and a graphic designer).
I have 11+ repos on GitHub with many of them being dead.
I make content on YouTube even though it has been wwwhhhhiiiiiiiilllllllleee since I’ve uploaded.
I’m on discord all day so I can answer your dms. (not actually all day).
I speak english, french and german fluently. (atleast I think so).
My discord is @kevadesu.


Ignore anything from here on. I'm just testing out my HTML skills lol

toggle me being goofy with html

here's an image for you:

510 Not Extended

guys have you heard of the new fairphone
5 btw? it actually doesn't look that bad, i think

wow guys, isn't html so cool? like seriously! damn i love html.

here's my shopping list btw

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Big mac
  • A large boke
  • Bhocolate Bhip Bookies
  • Oranges
  • NOT copyrighted by kevadesu in 2023. You cannot get a DMCA by forking my website and modifying it to your likings lmao